The Critical Fail

World Of Darkness - Chicago
Meet The Crew:

Sitre is the 21-year-old daughter of a wealthy tycoon from Egypt studying at the University of Chicago pre-med. She has had everything in life handed to her so long as she keeps excellent grades in school, which she has thus far. Despite the demands of her parents, she enjoys a robust social life with her best friend, Alma, a Swedish exchange student. On her awakening, she was at a party with her guard/driver Darius and Alma. Some people from an order called the Water Bearers of Atum who insist she is a reincarnated priestess sent to recover the lost Amphor of Atum, which houses the Primordial Waters. During this time, her familiar, Apsara bonded with her. She was found by the Mysterium and Libra and tasked to join a group of demon hunters who may have similar goals and information to our order.