The Critical Fail

Another Day In Hell
Meet The Crew:

Elsa Eltan
Born in privilege as a noble, half-elven daughter to Lord Eltan, Elsa has always dreamed of forging her own castle made of ice and snow far to the north of Baldur’s Gate. Sadly, her childish, unrealistic goals came to an abrupt end on the day of her 20th birthday when many of her faithful servants, guards, family, guests, and entertainment were slaughtered by her father’s former associates in the Flaming Fist. Surrounded by dedicated survivors, she hopes are all loyal, Elsa has vowed to restore her family name and fortunes in Baldur’s Gate society. While traversing Hell, Elsa has invited several refugees to join the party and has attempted to look after them with her dear friend Darius Coda. Thanks to the tutelage of Mordecai the Magnificent, she has wielded her spells in battle to a decent effect. She relies heavily on the intelligence of Riss and Lucius, the weapons and cunning of Jaren the Hellhound and Grin the Pirate, Master of Coin and her faithful guard—Thunder in the Morning, aka Kitty.

Darious Coda
Thrown away as half-human, this half-orc was rescued by famed archeologist Gavin Krengle the III of Waterdeep found this poor creature tossed out of the encampment of the Brotherhood of the Scarlet Scourge. Krengle took pity on the “tiny” outcast, raising him as one of his own. He, being a good anthropologist, tried to raise Darius in Sword Mountain orc tradition, but the boy would have none of it. Instead, Darius surrounded himself with beautiful things, especially music. A gentleman, like his father, Darius has come to Baldur’s Gate to make a name for himself. While playing a birthday song to Elsa of the house Elton, chaos broke out. Darius glommed onto House Elton and has decided to use them as his inspiration for an epic tale that will bring him fame and fortune.

Lucious DavVallan
Born to an unknown mother and father and left for dead in the slums of Calimshan you grow up tough, especially when you have blood of the Drow in your veins. Keen wit and quick hands caught the eye of a House Eltan retainer, whose belt pouch I had "found" after he had lost it. Charmed as he was I was brought before Lord Eltan, as he was in Calimshan for some such House business or other, and after hearing my explanation of the day's events he offered me a very special place in his House as one-day advisor to his heir. I was... educated.. in the Bardic Colleges of course but also the backroom dealings that so often get things done. Things that those of higher station cannot or will not handle for themselves.

Mordecai the Magnificent
When you grow up an orphan begging in the slums of Baldur’s Gate, you dream of the power to change the things you see around you. With practice and resolve I accumulated the knowledge to craft those dreams into illusions real enough to reach out and grasp. Now many a lord and lady pay good coin to attend my performances and hear the teachings of my methodology. I’ve now been serving house Eltan and teaching their daughter lady Elsa, and find myself with her and this crew….in…hell.

Peregrine Ghostwind
Peregrine Ghostwind, or "Grin" for short, yearns for the days of his past--sailing the high seas, captain of his own frigate, relieving unwary merchants of their cargo. Alas, that career ended abruptly when his mutinous first mate and crew plotted to assassinate Grin, forcing him to abandon his ship and wander as a smuggler and sellsword in the months since. Although Grin has often attempted to lead a more honest and virtuous life ever since witnessing his mother's execution for thievery when he was only a boy, trouble nevertheless seems to follow him everywhere he goes. Indeed, his most recent endeavor to provide intelligence to the House Eltan, a task that should have been both easy and profitable, instead turned into a disaster from which Grin has yet to recover. The Lady Elsa has assured Grin he will receive the payment he was promised. Grin is wary of the promises of such a young princess--and a deposed one at that-- but despite his misgivings, his options don't leave him with much choice but to trust her and her unusual companions.